Mara Sobesky
is a Marriage, Couple & Family Therapist Associate
in Portland, Oregon.

What we call the beginning is often the end

And to make an end is to make a beginning.

The end is where we start from...

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.
— T. S. Eliot

Who I Work With

I work with individuals, romantic and platonic partners, and adult families. Many of my clients are LGBTQ+, poly, identify as neurodivergent, or are in mixed-neurotype relationships.

I believe that humans are relational beings, and the meaning we make in our lives is supported by connection to ourselves, others, and the world. Often, a sense of disconnection brings clients to therapy, seeking a greater sense of agency, choice, and belonging in their lives and relationships. Many people experience a tension in desiring both stability and change, surrender and control, freedom and its’ limitations. The distress behind these mutual and conflicting needs is a part of what clients want to explore when they choose to work with me. Therapy is an invitation to slow down, put words to your story, and expand your sense of possibility for living in a way that is meaningful to you. Together, we can build mutual trust and explore historic, cultural and social contexts to make sense of your experience. My approach is centered in Existential-Humanism, integrating Narrative Therapy, and Attachment theory.

My Approach to Therapy

I am a graduate of Lewis & Clark’s program in Marriage, Couple and Family Therapy, where I received training in relational therapy for individuals, couples, families, and groups. I completed a certificate program for specialized training in the treatment of disordered eating and body image concerns. My previous careers as an early childhood educator and administrator, business owner, and personal chef inform my current work as a therapist.

About My Training

You illuminated me.

We see what we believe.
We believe what we see.

I close my eyes to open them.

Here’s a lamp.
Here’s oil for the lamp.

From me to you.
— Paul Tran, "Enlightenment"